2023 Flourishing Daylily Introductions from
Subhana Ansari
many of these are very limited
Joy of the Soul (Ansari 2023) display H709A (Pinched Perfection x Four Eyes) 5.75" x 31" EMRe Sev BC20 BR4 Fertile both ways. |
Blue Surrender (Ansari 2023) SF$50 M192C (Blue Over You x unknown, believed to be Yoga Man) 5.75" x 26" MRe Sev BC15 BR2 Fertile both ways. |
Abiding Peace (Ansari 2023) 2F $30 L700F (Yoga Man x unknown (believed to be Blue Over You)) 5.5" x 26" MRe Sev BC15 BR2 Fertile both ways. |
Mizaan (Ansari 2023) SF$40 M383C (Rainbow Blues x unknown) 7" x 33" EMRe Sev BC18 BR4 Pod fertile, unsure if pollen is fertile. Awesome offspring (futures). |
Holy Moment (Ansari 2023) display L282B (Whale Tails x Tessa Ann) Tet, 5.75" x 31" EMRe, Sev. BC20 BR3 Hardy in Michigan, zone 4B (photo by Bobbi Johnson) Fertile both ways. |
Zevk (Ansari 2023) SF$40 M950B (Cowboy Blues x Solomon's Sunrise) Tet, 5.5" x 27" MRe, Sev, BC15 BR2 Pod fertile, pollen fertility unknown. Sib hardy in Minnesota. |
Holding Complexity (Ansari 2023) SF$30 N623A (L1210D [Bowtie Affair x Yoga Man] x L1231C [Laws of Illusion x Solomon's Sunrise])Tet, 5.5" x 27" MLRe, Sev BC 17 BR3 Pollen fertile; pod fertility unknown. |
Chok Guzel (Ansari 2023) SF$20 M2000D (Tessa Ann x Waves of Joy) Tet, 6" x 30" EMRe, Sev, BC16 BR3 Very fertile both ways. Hardy in Michigan, zone 4B. |
Divine Timing (Ansari 2023) SF $45 M992J (Cowboy Blues x Solomon's Sunrise) Tet, 5.75" x 29" MRe Sev BC18 BR3 Easily fertile both ways. Hardy in Michigan, zone 4B. |
How the Light Gets In (Ansari 2023) 2F$30 L279B (Waves of Joy x Ticklish) Tet, 5.5" x30" EMRe, Sev BC15 BR2 Fertile both ways. Photo by Brent Hadley, hardy in Indiana zone5b |
Sacred Reverb (Ansari 2023) SF$50 M613B (Waves of Joy x unknown) Tet, 5.5" x 29" MRe Sev BC25 BR4 |
Veils Parting (Ansari 2023) SF$30 P376A (Web of Ideals x M1708A [Zyzzified x General Perplexity]) Tet, 5.5" x 27" ERe Sev BC18 BR3. Fertile both ways. Hardy in Colorado zone 5b. |
Goluptious (Ansari 2023) SF$35 J245A (Waves of Joy x Whale Tails) Tet, 6.5" x 28" EMRe Sev BC13 BR3 Fertile both ways. Hardy in Maine, zone 4. |
Angel Breath (Ansari 2023) SF$35 L639A (Tuscan Blue x Luminous Intentions) Tet, 6" x 26" MRe Sev BC12 BR2. Fertile both ways but not easy. |
Winged Heart (Ansari 2023) 2F$20 C1569B (Ginny Michell x Bird Talk) Tet, 6" x 23" MRe Sev BC12 BR2. Pod fertile, pollen fertility unknown. Hardy in Colorado, zone 5b. |
Love Out Loud (Ansari 2023) display M1355D (Mikayla Belle x Born in California) Tet, 5.5" x 26" LRe Sev BC13 BR2. Known pod fertility, pollen fertility unknown. |
Transformed (Ansari 2023) SF$40 M2053D (Blue Mirror x Positive Introspection)Tet, 6" x 30" EMRe Sev BC16 BR2. Fertile both ways. (sib hardy in Michigan) |
Transmutation (Ansari 2023) SF$20 M1527B (Appropriate Complexity x Venetian Pools)Tet, 5.5" x 29" MRe Sev BC16 BR3 (hardy in Pennsylvania zone 6a) |